5 Tips For Youthful Skin


Taking care of your skin is incredibly important. Not only does it protect us from the environment, but it today’s world, it is a form of self-care, which I believe is important. Over the years I have tried different skin care products and dabbled here and there with skin care routines. I never really got into the swing of a routine until very recently. Man did I wish I had listened to my Mom when she told me to take better care of my skin! I have heard that women need to start taking care of their skin by 26 and have a set routine by 30. Here I am at 30 trying to find a balance for my skin, wishing I had started by 26!

There are so many different types of skin out there: dry, oily, combination, balanced, acne-prone, etc. With so many different skin types, not one routine is going to work for everyone. It can be so frustrating and so overwhelming to find a good skin care routine that works for your skin. I know I have always been so frustrated when so many people rave about a product and then it doesn’t work for me personally.

Regardless of what type of skin you have, everyone wants youthful, radiant , glowing skin. Everyone is so concerned with getting rid of lines, wrinkles, dark spots, acne scarring, and any sort of blemish. And by everyone, I mean me too! While people will have to tailor products to their specific skin types, there are quite a few things you can start doing right now to have more youthful looking skin.

1. Water

I will never stop saying this! Drink your water! Water is so important in all aspects of life and you will literally die if you do not have it. I know water can be boring and it isn’t always the most tasty of things to drink, but just do it! Just suck it up and drink your water! The general rule of thumb I have always been told is to take your body weight, cut it in half, and that is how many ounces you should be drinking a day. I shoot for a gallon a day but that’s a little more than normal! Water helps your organs flush out toxins, which helps your skin get that glow. If you have difficulty drinking water throughout the day, here are a couple suggestions:

2. Sunscreen

Sunscreen protects your skin from ultraviolet light and keeps your skin from prematurely aging from the sun. My mom always taught me to wear sunscreen, especially on my face and on my hand! These are the two places on the body that can age the fastest! If you want to keep wrinkles and lines off your face, wearing sunscreen can really help. Also, wearing sunscreen will help protect you from skin cancer. The sun can be so damaging to your skin in so many different ways so please just wear your sunscreen! I like the Alba Botanica face sunscreen! It is non-toxic and also won’t break the bank! Also, they have a couple different types depending on your skin type.

3. Exfoliate

Exfoliating your skin not only feels amazing but it can leave your skin fresh and glowing! When you exfoliate your skin, it removes the top layer of dead skin cells that have the potential to clog up your pores and skin. It also allows moisturizer to get deeper into the skin, making it more efficient. I exfoliate my skin about once a week with a berry scrub from Monat! I love it so much and it leaves my skin feeling so much cleaner! I also use a microdermabrasion tool once a week that does almost the same thing as a scrub, just on a grander scale. I use this one! I think it helps with my blackheads a little better and it is like a mini little spa treatment for me!

4. Collagen

Collagen is a protein in your body that helps with skin elasticity and strength. As we age, our collagen supply in our skin decreases. It has been found if you take a collagen supplement, your skin’s hydration can increase while your wrinkle depth can decrease. I use Vital Protein Collagen Peptides in my coffee every morning. If you are going to take a collagen supplement, make sure you take it consistently. You will not see results if you take it only every now and again. It needs to be taken daily! Also, make sure whatever collagen you choose, you read the label. Certain collagen can only be added to cold liquids while some can only be added to warm liquids. The collagen I take can be used in either!

5. Remove Toxins

Start removing those toxins ad get them off your skin and out of your body! This is a bit of a two part tip! One, cleaning up your diet and eating healthy clean food will help with your complexion. Your skin is actually a really big indicator of your diet. The cleaner your diet, the clearer your skin. Two, clear out the toxins in your skin care. These are some harsh chemicals that are used in skin care. Some big chemicals to avoid are:

  • Parabens – hormone mimicking chemical (see post)
  • Phthalates – hormone mimicking chemical
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) – irritates eyes, lungs, skin; kidney and respiratory damage
  • Triclosan – effect thyroid and reproduction hormones

My favorite skin care and the one I am currently using now is Be Balanced from Monat. I am really loving this line! My skin purged for a while and is still settling down a little bit, but I can definitely tell it is giving my skin that glow that I am looking for! The eye cream is amazing and is helping me with the dark circles under my eyes, or as I like to call them, mom eyes! I also use a vitamin C serum on my face when I feel like moisturizer is just too much for my oily skin!

No matter what type of skin you have, these tips will help keep your skin youthful looking! Try them out and see for yourself!

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