This last week it seems like an overwhelming amount of people were sick. My social media feeds were full of people asking for advice on how to get rid of a cough or runny nose or an upset stomach. While there are some amazing remedies out there for curing a sickness, I would prefer not to get sick at all.
In my house, when one person gets sick, typically everyone gets sick, except my husband for some reason! It’s miserable and it usually results in the kids feeling better and me still trying to get better but still having to go back to work. This is why I would rather just not get sick in the first place. It’s not possible to never get sick, but these next tips can really help stay healthy!
1. Exercise
It is no surprise that exercise is good for you! This should really come as a no brainer. When you exercise regularly, your heart and lungs work more efficiently which can lead to more energy. Exercise can not only help your body physically, but it can also help your mind. Mental health is just as important as physical health.
If working out or exercise doesn’t excite you, just remember there are a lot of different types of things that could be considered exercise. You can go for a walk, dance around the house with the kids, jump rope, or even hula hoop! I even have a weighted hula hoop! As long as you are getting your blood moving, it’s exercise!
2. Eat Healthy
Eating healthy is incredibly important to keep your body and your immune system strong. By eating healthy, you are ensuring that your body is getting the nutrients it needs to function as efficiently as possible! When your body can function efficiently, it can keep your immune system boosted and fight off an illness before it even becomes a problem.
While eating healthy can seem like a daunting task, it really doesn’t have to be! Some tips to eating healthy are:
- Have a colorful plate
- Eat fruit and veggies daily
- Make one meal a week meatless
- Eat healthy fats and lean protein
- Drink your water!
3. Sleep
There is not much to say here except that sleep is very important. People typically need eight hours of sleep. While some people can get by with six or so hours, you really need to listen to your body. If it needs sleep, give it sleep. I am someone who always seems to need more sleep than others. I always try to get eight hours! Yes it is tough, but honestly, if I don’t get enough sleep, I am useless anyways. I might as well get a full night sleep and have the energy to actually get stuff done!
4. Avoid Stress
Avoiding stress clearly sounds like a good thing! Also, I don’t really think that people go out of there way looking for stress! Stress can be in a lot of different forms and it can really reduce the efficiency of the immune system. When I get sick (and it’s not something my kids have brought home), it’s stress. Stress from my job, stress from chores, stress from getting stuff done, stress from everything! It all can add up so fast! It’s important to relax, take some time, evaluate what is important, and destress as much as possible!
5. Self Care
Sometimes self care can be an odd thing to list when talking about staying healthy. Health care means more than just taking bubble baths and doing face masks. While those are self care activities, and I really enjoy them, there is so much more to self care. Working out can be a form of self care, reading a book, sitting down and drinking a cup of tea, taking a nap, journaling, talking with a friend, and really anything that will make you feel better is considered self care!
In my opinion, self care is the best was to avoid stress. Taking some time on self care gives you that time you need to just take a minute, evaluate, and relax. There is no right or wrong form of self care. If it feels relaxing and makes you feel good, then it’s self care!
Hopefully these tips can keep you happy and healthy this sick season! Remember your health is important and preventing is so much easier than curing!