Non Toxic All Purpose Cleaner


Non Toxic All purpose cleaner in spray bottle with lemon and orange vinegar bottles

When I think chemicals, the first thing I think of is cleaning supplies. When I started my non-toxic journey, I knew my cleaning supplies were going to need an upgrade. The first one I swapped out was my all purpose cleaner since I use it every night to clean the kitchen counters. When I started hunting for a new one, I found a super easy way to make a non toxic all purpose cleaner and I love it!

I love a good DIY but I know it’s not for everyone. I will have a post soon about all things cleaning with tons of other good non-toxic cleaners! If you want, you can check out my post here for one of my favorite non toxic cleaners. For now, I would love to share this recipe with you!

How to Make Non Toxic All Purpose Cleaner

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Non Toxic Cleaning: All Purpose cleaner

The best part about this cleaner is that it can be made from mainly everyday things. The ingredients you’ll need are:

  • an old glass jar (I reuse old pasta sauce jars normally)
  • 3-4 used lemons
  • white vinegar
  • a spray bottle (I use these from Amazon!)

All you have to do is save your used lemons and add them to vinegar. Allow them to soak for a couple days, or for up to a month, and then strain the mixture into the spray bottle and top off with water. The way I like to do it is to just keep a jar of vinegar under the sink so that whenever I use a lemon, I can pop it in there so it can soak.

The only things you need to keep in mind are:

  • You want to keep the lemon and vinegar jar in a dark, cool place. Under the sink is perfect.
  • Make sure the lemons are completely submerged under the vinegar.
  • If any mold starts to form, throw it all out. This shouldn’t happen if the lemons are fully submerged.
  • You don’t have to only use lemons, you can use whatever type of citrus fruit you want!

I love making this non toxic all purpose cleaner because it smells just like lemons and to me, lemons smell like clean. Also, it’s just incredibly easy and i don’t have to really worry about running out because normally I have another jar under my counter if I need it.

Non Toxic All Purpose Cleaner

A simple DIY non toxic all purpose cleaner that you can make from ever day items.


  • 1 Glass Jar
  • 3-4 Used Lemons
  • 1 Cup Vinegar
  • 1 Spray Bottle


  • When you have left over lemons from a recipe or whatever, save them and place them in the glass jar.
  • Fill the rest of the glass jar up with white vinegar.
  • Place under the sink or in a cool, dark place.
  • Let sit for a couple days to a month.
  • Strain the vinegar mixture of lemons and pour it into the spray bottle.
  • Fill the rest of the spray bottle up with filtered water and you're done!

I hope you loved this non toxic all purpose cleaner! Let me know if you try this out in the comments!

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