According to Market Research Future, the hair care industry will be worth approximately $88 million US dollars in 2023. In 2016, the hair care industry was worth approximately $70 million US dollars. The fact that this industry is so profitable means women and men care about their hair. I mean who doesn’t like to have a good hair day? But, with more profitability comes more and more brands trying to enter the competition. Combine that with the loose FDA guidelines on what chemicals can be put into hair care products, I think a lot of people don’t realize what is actually going onto their scalp.
Technically, your hair is dead and the only living portion of your hair is the follicle. This is why I emphasize products going on your scalp and not on the strands of the hair. While chemicals in your products can cause your hair shaft to suffer (dryness, frizziness, oiliness), the scariest damage is going to be the chemicals that are absorbed through the scalp, sprayed and ingested, and the product buildup that sits on the scalp.
When you put shampoo, conditioner, or anything else on your scalp, it has the possibility of being absorbed into the skin and into the bloodstream. When you spray hair products on your hair and around you, you have the possibility of them being ingested and getting into your bloodstream. Also, when products build up on your scalp with chemicals in them, you are just giving those chemicals more time to absorb into your scalp.
But what chemicals should you be concerned about? The following chemicals are typically found in many shampoos, conditioners and styling products:
- Sulfates – Studies of sulfates have found that they could possibly effect and weaken your immune system. Also, they cause damage to hair when over used.
- Parabens – I have a whole post dedicated to parabens! It can be found here! In short, parabens mimic hormones and have correlations to breast cancer.
- Ethanolamine Compounds – These chemicals are typically listed as MEA, DEA, and TEA. Ethanolamine compounds are banned in the EU because they are possible cancer causing chemicals and they have been linked to organ system toxicity, especially in the male reproductive system.
- Cocamide DEA – This is a type of ethanolamine compound but it deserves it’s own description. It is found in many shampoos and is used as a foaming agent. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has labeled this chemical as a possible carcinogenic to humans. Pretty scary!
- Synthetic colors – Many hair care products are dyed to look a certain color. In no way is it necessary for a shampoo to contain dyes just so it looks like a certain fruit! Many dyes can contain heavy metals.
- Fragrances – This is a tricky category because the FDA allows companies to list their unique beauty formulas as “fragrances” so the formula is not ripped off by another company. Unfortunately, chemicals can lurk in these “fragrance” labels and we have no way of knowing. It’s best to know the core values of a company you are using. If a company is dedicated to natural, non-toxic chemicals, then more than likely they are no using harmful chemicals in their “fragrance”.
With a list of chemicals to keep in mind, finding a good shampoo sounds like an impossible task! Luckily, more and more hair care companies are removing dangerous chemicals. When you walk down the hair isle you’ll notice more and more that shampoo bottles say “Paraben Free” or “No Sulfates”.
I have found a line of hair care items that are dedicated to natural, toxin-free chemicals! The thing I love about this brand is that every single one of their products is non-toxic! I don’t have to worry about finding a chemical free shampoo, and then find another brand with a chemical free conditioner, and so forth. This company makes sure all of their products are non-toxin!
You might have seen in in my paraben post, but the company I am talking about is Monat! Not only does this company offer non-toxic products, they really work too! I have never found better hair care than Monat! I am very low maintenance when it comes to my hair and if it’s going to take more then 5 – 10 minutes, it’s not happening!

These are the products I use the most! I know this looks like a lot of products for someone who has low maintenance hair, but some of them I only use once or twice a week, and some days, I spray some dry shampoo and go!
Not only is my hair low maintenance now, but it also has never been healthier. I have absolutely no product build up, my hair can go days with out needing to be washed, and I’ve been able to balance out an oily scalp with dry ends.
I am so happy I found this brand and the way it has transformed my hair! I think sometimes people assume if you are using non-toxic products, they aren’t going to work as well, but Monat has definitely shown me that is not true!
Any questions about products or hair care, feel free to email me!
Give it a try and your hair will thank you!