Manifesting is either all the rage right now, or I’m just seeing it a lot more than usual lately. It was nearly five years ago when I stumbled upon The Secret and learned about manifesting. The idea seemed magical and I loved it, but something was missing. It wasn’t until about a year later I learned there were 12 universal laws, not only the law of attraction. Once I learned these, everything clicked!
The law of attraction is talked about so often and it’s probably because it’s the easiest and most rewarding law. It’s fun to think that if I simply think about my dream life, it’ll manifest right before my eyes. I mean instant gratification right? This is not how it works at all. Understanding what you want is obviously part of it but not the whole picture. So I am here to explain all 12 universal laws!
Before I begin, if you missed my blog post on manifesting check it out here, if you are having trouble connecting to your higher self, check out my post here, and the journals I designed here!
The 12 Universal Laws

All of these laws work together and are at work 24/7. There is no way around them so if you try to resist them, you’ll only slow down your manifestations.
The Law of Divine Oneness
This law states that everything in this universe is interconnected. Every single atom of your being is connect to every other atom out there in existence. We are all one. This means that whatever you do, effects us all. I believe that this is the ultimate law and if you truly understand this, there is no way you would lead your life with hate.
I also love this law because it truly means that we are all matter and what we do truly does matter too. No one matters more than another. So if you ever feel like you don’t have anything to say that matters or that no one is listening, you’re wrong. What you have to say matters more than you know!
The Law of Vibration
This law simply states that everything in the universe is energy and that everything vibrates on a frequency. Now, this frequency can change and that’s the important part. You are not stuck in one frequency. When we want to manifest something we need to match its frequency. So once you figure out what you want, start working to be on the same frequency as that thing.
The Law of Correspondence
The law of correspondence states that patters repeat themselves throughout the Universe and this is how we build our lives. I love this law because it reiterates how important the patterns of your life are. Patters can either move your life in the wrong direction or the right direction. Establishing patters that help you live the life of your dreams is so important!
The Law of Attraction
Finally we get to the law of attraction. I’m sure you know plenty about this one. This law states that like attracts like. So simply, if you live on a high frequency of love and gratitude, that will come back into your life. The opposite is true too. If you vibrate on a low frequency of hate and jealousy, you’ll attract that into your life as well. Unfortunately though, people teach this law (and this law alone) as all you have to do is simply think of whatever you want, and it’ll manifest.
We have already seen how this law plays into the law of vibrations, but the law of attraction is nothing without….
The Law of Inspired Action
This law simply states we must take inspired action to match the frequency of our dreams. There is absolutely no way to manifest anything by not taking inspired action. This was my missing link when it came to manifesting. I could never wrap my head around the idea of only thinking about my desires. I knew I needed more. Once I learned about this law, everything clicked because deep down I knew, action is alway required.
Finding your inspired action is one of my favorite things to do! To do this I connect with my higher self and find what actions she would take. Then I start incorporating these things into my life. If you want a challenge on how to connect to your higher self, check out this blog post!
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Well this law is a mouthful!! But it’s really not complicated! This law states that energy is forever changing but it can not be created or destroyed. This law circles back to the law of vibration and confirms that you must change your vibration to match the vibration of the life you desire. It is really a soothing idea to know that no matter what frequency our energy is at right now, does not mean that is where it has to stay. Change your vibration, change your life!
The Law of Cause and Effect
This law states that for every action there is a reaction. This is also known as the law of karma. So what you put out into the world is what you are going to receive back. This law has a lot in common with the law of attraction. If you put out miserable energy into the universe, you’re going to be rewarded with a miserable life. Like action creates a like reaction.
The Law of Compensation
This law state that you get what you put in. In other words, you reap what you sow. This law embodies almost everything we have talked about. The vibration you live on, the thoughts you think, the action you take, it all comes back to you. So when you use all these laws to work toward your goals, the law of compensation states that the goals will come to you.
The Law of Relativity
The law of relativity states that every single thing in this universe is neutral until we personally give it a label. Nothing in this world is good or bad. It is simply our interpretation of it. So what good is this law? This law gives us the ability to assign or reassign things in our life. We can interpret things as bad, or we can interpret them as learning experiences. The way you look at things matters.
The Law of Polarity
This law states that everything in this world has an opposite. This one is kind of obvious. There is happy and there is sad. There is light and there is dark. So how does this help us in life? The law of polarity helps us determine what we want in life. We don’t go through life wanting new things because we simply want them. We want something new typically because we don’t want what we currently have. So if you work a 9-5 and hate it, you know that you want the opposite of it!
The Law of Rhythm
This law states that all things in life have a season and we need to embrace the journey. Life really is all about the journey so you might as well buckle in and go with the flow. Everything has it’s own season too. That means that there will be seasons of hardship and there will be seasons of bliss. It’s just the way the world works.
The Law of Gender
The final law! This law states that there are two different forms of energy in the universe, masculine and feminine. This has little to do with gender. If you want, you can think of it as yin and yang. Basically, we must find a balance in our lives of different energy. Some things in life will require feminine energy while some will require masculine.
And there you have it! The 12 Universal Laws! I hope after learning about these laws you have a better understanding of how to apply them to your manifestation!