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When I was in high school, I stumbled upon a product called Aztec Clay. It intrigued me and I decided to try it out! I fell in love with this product and I have been using it about once a week ever since. My favorite way to use it is to create a detox mask or a detox bath.
So what the heck is this Aztec Clay and what can it do for your skin? Aztec Clay is an amazing way to detox your skin. It is bentonite clay that works by pulling heavy metals out of your skin. It helps with skin issues such as acne, coloration, and brightness. The most popular ways to use this clay is to make a mask out of it or use it in a detox bath. There are a couple other ways to use it but I’m not going to go into them in this post since I don’t use it in any other ways.
Detox Bath

This is super simple. To create a detox bath you need four things:
- Aztec Clay
- Baking Soda
- Epsom Salt
- Essential Oils (optional)
All you do is run your bath water and combine all the above items. Yes the water is going to be murky and look weird but it’s suppose to! I love detox baths because they are so calming and so refreshing! I typically take a detox bath about once a month.
Aztec Clay Mask
My favorite way to use Aztec Clay is to make it into a mask and apply it to my skin. It is super simple to make and only requires two products and one optional product! For the mask you will need:

- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Aztec Clay
- Tea Tree Oil (optional, mainly if you are putting it on your face!)
All you do is mix all items together. You want equal parts of apple cider vinegar and Aztec Clay. Typically to make a mask I use 1Tbsp of Aztec Clay and 1Tbsp of apple cider vinegar. If I am using it on my face (which I typically am), I will add in a couple drops of tea tree oil. You want to mix it together with a utensil that is not metal. If you use a metal utensil it can deactivate the clay before it gets to your skin.
Typically I will apply this mask to my face. It goes on pretty thick and as it starts to dry it will pull and pull on your face. It will literally feel like your face is being sucked in! Then, once it is completely dry (or until you can’t take the mask anymore), just wash it off and always remember to use moisturizer! My face will be red for a couple hours and feel a little warm to the touch. I like to do this mask at night so that by the time I wake up in the morning it will be a normal color.
Other Uses For Mask
Your face is not the only place to use this mask and if you are only using it on your face you are missing out. I also like to use this mask on my feet and on my armpits! Your feet are an amazing body part to detox. Also, our armpits hold a lot of toxins and regardless of what deodorant you are using, your armpits could use a good detox. You can use this mask on your armpits and feet the same way you would on your face. Just apply the mask and let it dry. If you want to see how I made a whole day of detoxing, check out my post here!
Try this mask or bath for yourself and let me know what you think!