My Go To Brand For Kid Snacks


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My kids love, love, love snacks!! More than they love meals! But snacks are typically packed with chemicals, harmful dyes or added sugars! While I don’t want my kids to be eating chemical filled snacks, I also don’t always have the time to look at every ingredient label in the grocery store.

While I think it is important to look at ingredient labels and understand what is in the food I am feeding my family, I don’t want to spend hours in the grocery store. Also, when my kids are bouncing off the walls and screaming through the grocery store, I’d much rather zip through then stroll through every isle.

It helps tremendously when you can find a whole brand that is dedicated to cleaner options. That way you can look for a brand rather than looking at every ingredient label. So thankfully I have found a brand that I can look for and know it is a better brand for my family! This brand is Simple Truth Organic. Now, this is a Kroger brand so unless you have a Kroger store near you you’d have to purchase it through Amazon. It looks like Amazon only has certain products though and some of them you have to order in larger quantities, so this might only be a worthy brand if you live near a Kroger store!

These are my go to snacks for the kids as of right now. I try to switch up their snacks and try new ones each week, but these three my kids seem to really love.

My kids are big Cheeto junkies!! I bought the Simple Truth Organic Cheese Crunchies and my kids were slightly thrown off by them at first, but now they eat them just fine! The flavor of them compared to original Cheetos is not exactly the same but it is really similar! Also, my son loves fruit snacks so much so I bought him the ones pictured above and he loves them!! I tried them as well and the Simple Truth Organic fruit snacks actually taste like they have more flavor than normal fruit snack!

The Little Cubs snacks are not ones I would typically buy for the kids, but I decided to try them one day and they loved them!! They are just like graham crackers but I am not sure how they taste since I have not tried them (I’m not a fan of graham crackers!).

I love that when I look at the ingredients on the box, I can read each ingredient and they are all organic. Below are the labels of each snack shown above!

Cheese Chrunchies Ingredients
Fruit Snack Ingredients
Little Cubs Ingredients

In a perfect world I would buy all unprocessed foods, but with my hectic lifestyle it’s just not possible. So when I am going to buy processed foods like these snacks, I can breathe a little bit easier knowing that they are using clean ingredients.

Simple Truth Organic has a replacement for most popular kids snacks which I love so much! Most of the time my kid’s do not even notice the difference! Plus with all the different options my kids do not feel like they are eating the same thing over and over again.

If you do not live near a Kroger store, check your local grocery store to see if they carry a brand that is committed to clean ingredients. The good news is that many big brands are starting to change their ingredients as well! As more and more people demand cleaner ingredients, the more brands answer that demand. For example, Pop-Tarts have recently introduced Pop-Tarts Simply. These have no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial flavors, and no dyes. This is a pretty big step for a snack like Pop-Tarts!

Kid’s snacks is the type of food I am focusing on at the moment which is why I have only mentioned snacks in this post. Simple Truth Organic products can be found throughout the store and I actually do use some of them as well, like their coffee creamer. I am really loving this brand and love the fact that I have it at my grocery store!

Check your local grocery store for a clean brand and make your life easier!! Happy shopping!

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