The Best Matcha Maca Latte


Matcha Powder

A while back I found myself drinking a ton of coffee throughout the day! We are talking like three to five cups a day! It wasn’t the most healthy option so I set out to find something a little better. I also wanted to find another option because my sleep was being affected (see my post on sleep here!). That’s what I stumbled upon matcha. Later I would stumble upon maca and find my absolute favorite drink to replace my coffee.

Matcha is a green tea that is made from tea leaves and ground into a powder. Matcha has so many amazing health benefits. These health benefits include:

  • Clearer, more focused mind
  • Energy without the jitters
  • Calming
  • Relaxing
  • Helps break down fat
  • Boosts immune system
  • Stabilize blood glucose levels

The only thing that you need to keep in mind when drinking matcha is where it’s coming from. Some processes of creating matcha leave heavy metals in the powder and that is definitely something you do not want! I always buy my matcha organic for this reason!

While I was drinking my matcha and enjoying it, I missed the certain kick that coffee gave me. You know that “take on the world” kind of feeling. That is when I found maca! One of my all time favorite accounts on instagram (@alittlelesstoxic) talked about it and I knew I had to try it! Maca is an amazing add on to matcha because it gives you that burst of energy without the jittery come down that coffee can give you sometimes.

I messed around with a recipe for my matcha maca drink for probably a month to find one that I liked the best. Today I am going to share that recipe with you! I want to first make a note that I do not really measure anything, except the matcha and maca, so you’ll have to find which amounts work for you.

Matcha Maca Latte
Matcha Maca Latte

Items You’ll Need For Matcha Maca Latte

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  1. Start heating your almond milk. I typically put about a cup of almond milk in a saucepan and heat it on the stove. I like to heat mine to right before it boils, but it depends on how hot you want your drink. While my almond milk is heating up I also like to put my tea kettle on for hot water.
  2. Place you milk in a tall cup (so it won’t spill out when you froth it). Place the stainer on top of the cup and then put 1 tsp of each matcha and maca in the strainer. Work the powder through the strainer.
  3. One scoop of collagen.
  4. A dash of pink salt.
  5. A dash of cinnamon.
  6. Then add some honey (totally to preference).
  7. Pour a little bit of hot water on top of it all. Then use your frother and froth everything together.
  8. Get whatever cup you are going to drink from and strain the mixture back through into your cup. The strainer is solely used to make sure the matcha doesn’t clump in your drink. if the clumping doesn’t bother you then you can skip all the steps with it.
  9. Enjoy!

Let me know if you decide to try this recipe! Also, drop any matcha recipes you love in the comments!

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