Have you ever felt that longing feeling of wanting something so bad so that the rest of your life can begin? Have you ever caught yourself thinking, if only I had this, I would do this, this, and that? I know I have! More times than I would like to admit. If you have ever felt like this, I’m guessing you are missing a connection to your higher self.
I have spent the majority of my adult life thinking that things would be better when I lost weight, paid off debt, finished school, etc. When I lose x amount of pounds, I will finally wear that bikini that has been sitting in my closet. Once I pay off all my debt, my money worries will be completely over. Or once I finish school, I will be a grown up and have my shit figured out.
Well all of those things were a big fat nope! Those things were and still are important to me, but as I lose weight, I still find myself hiding my body thinking, I just need to lose a bit more. As I pay down debt I worry more that I will ruin all the progress I have made. And I have graduated with my masters degree long ago and yet I still feel like I do not in fact have my shit together.
I have learned, it isn’t necessarily the things that I want, it is the feeling that I want. And furthermore, without connecting to my higher self, I am not changing the feelings. Old patterns will not create new feelings. What we need is to connect to our higher self, take inspired action, and create those feelings we are chasing.
If you haven’t already read my post on manifestation, check it out here and you will see how your higher self connects with the manifestation process. In this post I want to dive deeper into your higher self and really how to connect with her (or him).
Who Is Your Higher Self?

Your highest self is the true you and the best version of yourself. It is your connection to yourself before the world crippled you with judgements and insecurities. Your highest self is who you need to become to live your life to the fullest.
No pressure right? The good part is that our highest self is always in alignment with what we want. This means we will not be steered wrong when connecting to her. We simply have to understand the changes we need to make to align with our most highest self.
How do We become our highest self?
To become our highest self, we need to know who our highest self is. How they act, what habits they have, how do they take care of themselves. I have two amazing practices you can try out to find inspired action to start becoming your highest self.
Journaling your best day
I spoke about journaling your perfect day in my last blog post (check it our here if you haven’t already!). This exercise not only helps in manifesting, but it helps to find inspired action. It helps us dream about our perfect life and if we have a small glimpse of our perfect day, we can pull out details and turn them into action.
Here’s what you need to do. Get a journal. You can check out journals I have designed here! I would recommend doing this in a journal because you will do this journal prompt over and over again to refine it. Once you have your journal, start journaling on what your perfect day looks like without any restrictions or limitations. Try to be as specific as possible. Write it out from start to finish. It doesn’t matter if it is perfect or not. Just write whatever comes to mind.
The next day, do the same thing. Read over what you have written and then rewrite your perfect day and change the parts that don’t seem right.
As you start to refine your perfect day, you’ll start to see patterns and things that stay the same through each journal entry. Take those things and ask yourself who you need to be to achieve those things in your life. What does she do? What habits does she have? What habits does she not have? How does she take care of herself? Write all these things down and then start implementing these ideas into your life.
Highest Self Challenge

I want to start by saying, this challenge is hard and it will push you so far out of your comfort zone. When I first did this I wanted to quit every single day. It was hard, probably the hardest challenge I have ever done, but I also saw so much growth.
So here we go!
I want you to decide what is the biggest goal you want right now. Do you want to lose weight? Maybe start your own business? Be a millionaire? It doesn’t matter how big or small the goal is, it is yours and it is valid. Just write down whatever it is you want. Make it one thing and as specific as possible.
Now I want you to label a piece of paper from 1 to 30. Then I want you to write 30 things that you would do if you had your goal already. So when I did this some of my lines looked like:
When I lose weight, I will wear the bikini in my closet.
When I lose weight, I will start wearing clothes that I actually want to wear.
When I lose weight, I will actually feel confident in shorts.
Before you read on, I want you to make your list. If you do, it’ll make this challenge way more powerful.
Okay, got your list? Now for the next 30 days, I want you to do each of the things on your list.
Did you stomach just fall to your butt? Because that’s what happened to me every single day when I had to push myself to do all the things on my list that I had convinced myself I could not do until I had lost weight.
Why is this so transformational?
You can do all these things before you achieve your goal. And you are worthy of all these things before you reach your goal. There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting goals and working toward them, it’s actually a really amazing thing, but when we attach our worth to the completion of that goal, we are robbing our selves of the joy we could be feeling.
You know what happened when I did this challenge? I started becoming my highest self before my goal was even achieved. I started feeling all the happiness I wanted to feel before I lost the weight. And that’s when I realized, it’s never about the thing (in my case weight loss), it’s about how we want to feel and if we do nothing to change the way we feel, we will feel the exact same way we felt before once we have achieved our goal.
Now there are some situations where you literally just can’t do some of the things you would do if you had already reached your goals. Let’s say you want to be a millionaire and when you do become one you’ll have a savings account with $10K in it. Obviously you can’t pull $10K out of thin air but you can do things like research high interest savings accounts, or writing yourself out a check for $10K. But please only do this is situations where you absolutely can not do what your list says.
I hope these exercises have been helpful in connecting yourself to your highest self! If you do this challenge, let me know how it goes! And remember, you are worthy RIGHT NOW of everything you want!