Non-Toxic Makeup


Makeup can be traced back over 7,000 years ago and is thought to be one of the first rituals created by humans. I would argue that the majority of women wear some amount of makeup and I would argue that more and more men are actually wearing makeup. The beauty industry is booming and rakes in over $500 BILLION a year!

People have been known to do some drastic things for beauty, I mean even Cleopatra used lead based makeup (although I’m pretty sure she didn’t know it was toxic). While you won’t find lead based makeup today, there are some very questionable toxic chemicals that are allowed to be put in makeup.

The FDA regulates the beauty industry and very loosely regulates makeup. In 1938 the FDA created the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. These are the standard that were created for beauty and personal care products. Since it was created in 1938, it has not been updated. We are using a document made in the 30’s to regulate what can and cannot go into makeup products. New chemicals have been created since the 30’s that have not even been taken into consideration. On top of all that, the FDA does not need to review or approve cosmetics before they hit the market.

This means it is so important for consumers to understand what is in their products and what effects these chemicals can have on our bodies. Most of the regulations (in the US) are complete bullshit and totally out of date.

To help, I want to share some chemicals to avoid and some brands that are cleaner options if you are looking to make the switch!

Toxic Chemicals To Avoid

  • BHA
  • Lead (yes it can still be in makeup)
  • Parabans
  • Phthalates
  • Synthetic fragrance

Cleaner Options

Now before I list some cleaner options for makeup, I just want to say that I do not wear a lot of makeup. I wear eyeliner and mascara and that’s about it. Occasionally I will wear foundation or eye shadow but very rarely. I have tried some of these brands but not all. My advice would be to check review of the cosmetics before buying!

Also, I have found that cleaner options are typically more expensive. If you are on a budget, I would suggest replacing items one at a time or as you run out. Personally, I think it is very important to swap out any makeup that is going on your eyes. While chemicals can absorb through our skin and get into our bodies, our eye has a mucus membrane that absorbs more chemicals than your skin can.

  • Naked Poppy (I personally use their liquid eyeliner and love it!)
  • Crunchi (I use their mascara and love it! Also comes in a glass bottle!)
  • Beauty Counter
  • FitGlow Beauty
  • W3ll People (I have used this mascara and I did not like it)
  • Ilia
  • Kosas

I hope some of these ideas help when choosing a cleaner makeup! And always remember, making small changes is better than stressing and doing it all at once!

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