Vitamin C Supplements: Are They Necessary?


Vitamin C Supplements. Orange and Kiwi

Back in the day, I use to take Emergen-C like it was the holy grail of supplements to take! I use to get sick and start taking it, then I would keep taking it for a couple months, run out of it, then get sick again and start the process all over again. But once I did a little more digging into it, Emergen-C really wan’t the best vitamin C supplement to be taking.

Once I realized how many toxic ingredients were in Emergen-C, I backed off from taking it. After I stopped taking it, I just stopped taking a supplement for vitamin C all together. Then the pandemic broke out and vitamin C supplements were flying off the shelf, more research about vitamin C was coming out, and it seemed like everyone was in a frenzy about vitamin C.

This is when I really started to dive into research about vitamin C. What exactly does vitamin C do? Do we really need to be taking supplements for it? And is it really going to keep us from getting sick? I am going to answer all of these questions, and more, and also provide you with some non toxic vitamin C supplements!

Why Do We Need Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is mainly known for boosting our immune systems. If you haven’t ready my blog post on boosting your immune system, read it here!

While vitamin C does indeed help our immune system, it does so much more than that too! Here are some of the amazing things that vitamin C does for our bodies:

  • Repairs tissues
  • Helps repaid bones
  • Assists in bone maintenance
  • It is a great antioxidant
  • Helps heal wounds
  • Allows us to absorb iron better
  • And of course, boosts our immune system!

Can Our Bodies Produce Vitamin C?

Our bodies are not capable of producing vitamin C. The only way for our bodies to receive vitamin C is to either consume foods that contain vitamin C or take vitamin C supplements. Since we do not have our bodies to fall back on, it is important to eat vitamin C rich foods so we do not fall deficient.

Can We Take Too Much Vitamin C?

It is incredibly rare that you would consume too much vitamin C. There is a toxicity level for vitamin C but your body will eliminate extra vitamin C it does not need, so this level is rarely met.

What Are The Best Sources of Vitamin C?

Vitamin C Supplement.  Oranges.

The best sources of any vitamin will always be food. Foods that are high in vitamin C include:

  • Broccoli
  • Strawberries
  • Oranges (citrus fruits)
  • Bell Peppers
  • Leafy Greens
  • Berries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Tomatoes
  • Kiwi
  • Potatoes

A diet of fruits and veggies is necessary if you want to meet your vitamin C goals.

What Are Good Sources of Vitamin C Supplements?

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Unfortunately many supplements do not provide a good source of vitamin C. Furthermore, many supplements contain toxic and unnecessary ingredients such as dyes and artificial flavorings.

When it comes to using vitamin C supplements, I have two that I like:

Now, I like both of these because they source the vitamin C from whole foods and it’s not synthetic. I like to use Truvani for my husband and I because it’s in capsule form. Organifi is great because it is a powder that you mix in water so it’s easier for kids to take it.

As always, please talk to your health care provider before consuming any of these products or giving them to your children.

Should You Be Taking Vitamin C Supplements?

Vitamin C Supplements. Orange, grapefruit, kiwi

In my personal opinion, vitamin C supplements are not necessary. It is easy enough to get adequate amounts of vitamin C a day through diet every single day. Beyond that, vitamin C supplements are far too expensive to take daily when you can eat two kiwi’s and be just fine.

Now, why do I even suggest the supplements above then? I do keep vitamin C supplements in my house for when we get sick. Vitamin C will not prevent you from getting sick, but it can help boost your immune system when you are sick, shortening your sick time. When I feel a cold coming on or I feel like my kids are getting run down, I will supplement with more vitamin C than normal to help.

If you are someone who will absolutely not eat fruits or veggies, first of all, you probably aren’t reading this blog, but second, I would suggest supplementing vitamin C. If you aren’t getting any vitamin C through your diet, you will run into health problems in the future such as weakness, iron deficiencies, mouth issues, and skin issues. So do yourself a favor, and make sure you are getting your vitamin C!

I hope this was helpful! Let me know your thoughts on vitamin C in the comments and whether you prefer food sources or supplements!

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