What Is Self-Care?


Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines self-care as, “care for oneself”. This is a very vague definition and one might say, “Well duh!” In reality, self-care is so vague because it is so different for each person. One thing that improves one person’s life might make another person’s blood boil. Self-care really is whatever someone needs to be able to take better care of themselves or function in a healthier way. It’s taking steps to creating a life you need no escape from and taking the steps to improve your life.

Life is incredibly hectic for everyone it seems. My life seems to be pulled in a million different directions all at one time. I have to balance work, my family, my friends, my dogs, spending time with my husband, this blog, my side business, getting kids to appointments, getting dinner made, getting chores done, making sure kids get their chores done, and so many other things on a daily basis! Sometimes I feel like I don’t even have time to think! But because of all the things pulling me in a million different directions, I have to make time for self-care to stay grounded.

Now before you roll your eyes and think that self-care is simply bubble baths, you’d be very wrong (but bubble baths really are amazing!). There are so many different types of self-care and probably some you even practice without realizing it’s self-care. There are five main categories to self-care, but I have added in a sixth category because I believe it is so important!


This is the category that people think of the most when it comes to self-care. This is the bubble baths, the facials, haircuts, and any of those pampering things that are so closely associated to self-care. This category also includes: physical exercise, sleep patterns, therapy, doctor’s appointments, medication, sex life, managing stress, vacations, and going out and doing physical things. Physical self-care is sometimes seen as a luxury rather than a daily practice and while some of these things are not necessary every day, physical self-care is definitely an important aspect to self-care. When I get up in the morning and shower, get ready, and get dressed, I feel ten times better than rolling our of bed, throwing my hair up, and grabbing whatever clothes are nearby.


This is one of my favorite categories for self-care. This category is all about the personal development! Whether it be education, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, changing your mindset, practicing gratitude, intellectual self-care is all about learning about your self and bettering yourself. I try to practice personal development every single day. I really enjoy listening to podcasts and reading books on how to better myself. I have also worked so diligently on my mindset.


The social category is going to be all about your social circle and the social network you have. Practicing self-care in this category is going to revolve around removing toxic people, finding supporting friends, spending time with your supportive network, setting boundaries on how people treat you, etc. I would also say, this category is about setting healthy boundaries with social media. Social media is a great way to connect with people but it can also be draining and leave us with shiny object syndrome. I know that I can get so wrapped up in social media without even realizing it.


Spiritual self-care is exactly what is sounds like. It’s connecting to your spiritual side, whatever that may be. This is your church, your religion, your beliefs, or whatever you believe in that keeps you going in life. I myself am not a religious person but I have my beliefs and I make sure I practice them and an aligned with them. Everybody has something they believe in so this category goes well beyond just religion.


Emotional self-care is handling and understanding your own emotions and learning to process and deal with them in a healthy manner. This is also working through past issues that might still be surfacing. I feel like personal development and this category are very closely related.


I have added this category because I really feel like it is an important one but not very well talked about. I think technically it could be a part of physical self-care but it really is a different mindset all on its own. Financial information can get super complicated and it’s not something that is taught in great detail in schools. Whether you are wanting to invest or just create a simple budget, understanding your finances will put you light years ahead!

These categories really help break down the different types of self-care and show just how important it really is. But I do not want people to get hung up on the fact that there are six categories and you need to be practicing self-care from each one. Once you start mindfully practicing self-care on a regular basis, all these categories become almost intertwined. I never intentionally sit down and think, okay I need to do spiritual self-care today. It is more of, okay, what do I need today to make me feel better? It might be a podcast, or it might be sitting down with my husband to go over our budget. No matter what form of self-care you are practicing, it is incredibly important for balance.

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